UNIT 5- Asking Directions

Key phrases
doko                                         where?
doko desu ka?                        where is…?
eki wa doko desu ka?            where is the train station?
eki wa soko desu                   the train station is there
eki wa asoko desu                 the train station is over there
shirimasen                              I don’t know
arigato‾ gozaimasu              thank you
ıee, do‾ itashimashite          no, don’t mention it
eki                                            train station
byo‾ in                                     hospital
ko‾ban                                     police box
resutoran                                restaurant
hoteru                                      hotel
toire                                          toilet
tsu‾risuto infome‾shon      tourist information

Listening and speaking
Sumimasen. Eki wa doko desu ka?
                   Excuse me. Where is the train station?
Sumimasen. shirimasen.       Sorry. I don’t know.
Sumimasen. Toire wa doko desu ka?
                   Excuse me. Where is the toilet?
Toire wa soko desu.               The toilet is there.

Sumimasen. Resutoran wa doko desu ka?
                   Excuse me. Where is the restaurant?
Resutoran wa asoko desu.    The restaurant is over there.
So- desu ka.Arigato‾gozaimasu.
                   Is that right? Thank you.

There are no plurals in Japanese. So, toire wa doko desu ka can mean either “Where is the toilet?”or “Where are the toilets?”

Conversation 1
Sumimasen. Eki wa doko desu ka?
                     Excuse me. Where is the train station?
Sumimasen. Wakarimasen.        Sorry. I don’t know.
Ja, ko‾ban wa doko desu ka?
                      Well then, where is the police box?
Ko‾ban wa asoko desu.               The police box is over there.
So‾desu ka. Arigato‾ gozaimasu.
                      Is that right? Thank you.
Iee.                                                   No (don’t mention it).

ja = well, then …
This is often used when you change the topic.

Conversation 2
Sumimasen.Eigo ga wakarimasu ka?
                     Excuse me. Do you understand English?
Sumimasen. Wakarimasen.          Sorry. I don’t understand.
Sumimasen. Tsu‾risuto infome‾shon wa doko desu ka?
                      Excuse me. Where is tourist information?
E‾to… tsu‾risuto infome‾shon wa soko desu.
                       Let me see… tourist information is there.
So‾desu ka. Arigato‾gozaimasu.  Is that right? Thank you.
Iee, do‾ itashimashite.                    No, don’t mention it.

E‾to … = Let me see …
A useful phrase to give yourself time to think!


In Japanese there are also polite versions of “here”, “there”, “over there” and “where”. Hotel receptionists or shopkeepers might use the polite versions when they answer your questions.
koko – here                       kochira – here (polite)
soko – there                      sochira – there (polite)
asoko – over there           achira – over there (polite)
doko – where                    dochira – where (polite)


Showing your appreciation
In Japan, you may even see people bowing while talking on their mobile phones. This is because they always bow slightly when they say “thank you” or “sorry”, so it becomes a habit! How deep you bow depends on what you are thanking someone for or why you are apologising. If someone has helped you with directions, just bow slightly to show your appreciation.

Useful signs
Here are some signs you should try to remember:

便所 or お手洗い        toilet
女               Ladies
入口              entrance
出口              exit