
JLPT N5 GRAMMAR: 動詞(doushi)

In Japanese, Verb changes their forms i.e. they conjugate and they divide in three groups according to the type of conjugation.

Group I verbs

  • The last sound of ます form is in いー line like い、き、し、ち、に、ひ、み、り
  • e.g. かます、のます

Group II Verbs

  • The last sound of ます form is in え-line like え、け、せ、て、ね、へ、め、れ。
  • e.g. 食ます、見ます
  • But in some verbs the last sound of the ます form is that of い-line e.g. 見ます、おきます、浴びます。

Group III Verbs

  • Verbs of this group include します. Noun denoting an action +します is the pattern of these verbs. きます is considered in this group only as an exception.
  • e.g. べんきょうします、れんしゅうします