~られる・れる(Passive form)

JLPT N4 GRAMMAR:~られる・れる (~rareru/reru)

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~られる・れる (~rareru/reru)

Meaning: to be done ….., Something is done by someone for someone. (….किया गया, … करके दिया)

受身形(passive form of verbs) when used with the particles like に , を, によって、から、で、it changes the meaning of the sentence as below.

  1. When an action directed by some another person / thing, is to be expressed from the speaker’s side or view, such sentences are formed with passive form as below


Example Sentences:

  • 私は先生に褒められました。
  • Watashi wa sensei ni home raremashita.
  • I was praised by my teacher.
  • मेरे शिक्षक द्वारा मेरी प्रशंसा की गई।
  • 私は母に買い物を 頼まれました。
  • Watashi wa haha ni kaimono o tanoma remashita.
  • I was asked by my mother to go for shopping.
  • मुझे मेरी माँ ने खरीदारी करने के लिए पुछा।
  • 私は犬に噛まれました。
  • Watashi wa inu ni kama remashita.
  • I was bitten by a dog.
  • मुझे एक कुत्ते ने काटा।

2.When a person / person’s action is directed to an object belonging to another person & leads to annoy or trouble, in this condition the following sentence is used by the person who belongs the object.

Formation: ~を~られる・れる

Example sentences:

  • 私は 弟に パソコン を 壊されました。
  • Watashi wa otōto ni pasokon o kowasa remashita.
  • I had my computer broken by my brother.
  • मेरे भाई ने मेरा कंप्यूटर तोड़ दिया।
  • 私は犬に手を噛まれました。
  • Watashi wa inu ni te o kama remashita.
  • I had my hand bitten by a dog.
  • कुत्ते ने मेरा हात काट लिया।

3.When some thing is created or discovered, and is stated using a passive verb, the person who created or discovered it is indicated by によって instead of に.


Example sentences:

  • 源氏物語は紫式部によって書かれました。
  • Genjimonogatari wa murasakishikibu ni yotte kaka remashita.
  • The tale of Genji was written by Murasaki Shikibu.
  • गेनजी मोनो की कहानी मुरासाकी शिकिबू ने लिखी थी।
  • 電話はベルによって発明されました。
  • Denwa wa beru ni yotte hatsumei sa remashita.
  • The telephone was invented by Bell.
  • फोन का आविष्कार बेल ने किया था।

4. When something is made from a raw material passive form is used, however the material is marked with から.When it is obvious to the eye that something is made of a particular material, the material is marked with で。

Example sentences:

  • ビールは麦から作られます。
  • Bīru wa mugi kara tsukura remasu.
  • Beer is made from Barley.
  • बीयर को गेहूं से बनाया जाता है।
  • 昔日本の家は木で作られました。
  • Mukashi Nihon no ie wa ki de tsukura remashita.
  • Japanese houses were made of wood in past.
  • पहले जापानी घर लकड़ी के बने होते थे।